
    BMW Plans New Logistics Centre in Ostrava

    The Ostrava City Council recently approved the sale of a plot of land in the Mošnov industrial zone to the company OAMP Hall 6. German car manufacturer BMW is set to build a new logistics centre on this site. According to Ostrava Mayor Jan Dohnal (ODS), the investment will total CZK 3.4 billion and create over 1,000 jobs.

    The 51-hectare site was held by the city as a reserve for strategic investors and has been developed with state support since 2014. “It was the only offer for a concrete project that will bring both a high-quality investor and a large number of jobs in the given timeframe, so the decision-making process was not too difficult even within the city council,” Mayor Dohnal told Radio Ostrava.

    Dohnal emphasized that BMW is a strong partner and that the investment has been in the works for years. Given the current labour market situation in the region, the creation of new jobs is particularly important.

    “We are aware of the difficult situation at Liberty Steel Group. We understand the intense pressure there and know that the outcome may not be favorable for all employees. Thus, any influx of new jobs in the region is certainly a positive development. However, it is also important to note that we are already facing a shortage of skilled workers in the labor market,” said the mayor.

    Construction of the logistics centre is scheduled to begin this year and be completed within two years. The first phase will cover two-thirds of the site, with the remaining portion reserved for future developments.

    The Mošnov industrial estate already hosts numerous companies, including DHL, ABB, and Hyundai Glovis, and features a combined transport terminal, which is a key locational advantage for BMW.

    The sale of the site is one of the largest in Ostrava’s history and marks a significant step in the economic development of the region.


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