International Orangutan Day at Prague Zoo: A Day in Honor of the Endangered Apes

On Sunday, August 18th, Prague Zoo will focus on orangutans, a species the zoo has successfully bred since 1961. This year, special attention is being given to the youngest member of the orangutan family: Harapan, a male born on May 2nd.

Orangutans are among the most endangered animals in the world, with their natural habitats in Southeast Asia under severe threat from deforestation and the expansion of oil palm plantations. International Orangutan Day, celebrated globally on August 19th, aims to raise awareness of this critical situation. Currently, orangutans are only found in the forests of Borneo and Sumatra.

There are three species of orangutans: Bornean, Sumatran, and Tapanuli. All three are critically endangered, with Tapanuli orangutans being the most at risk, with fewer than 800 individuals remaining. Prague Zoo is particularly focused on breeding Sumatran orangutans.

To commemorate International Orangutan Day, Prague Zoo has organized an extensive program:

  • 10:00 am: Presentation of Mawar and Kawi
  • 3:15 pm: Presentation of Pagy, Diri, and the young Harapan
  • 11:00 am – 2:00 pm: Hourly guided encounters with orangutans
  • 10:00 am – 4:00 pm: Play station “Into the Jungle to See the Orangutans”

Prague Zoo invites all visitors to join the celebrations and learn more about the threats facing orangutans and the efforts to protect them.

Prague Zoo (Zoologická zahrada hl. m. Prahy)
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