
    Flood Risk in Prague: Residents Urged to Avoid Watercourses

    On Sunday at 10:30 AM, the capital’s flood commission reconvened to assess the current flood situation. Persistent rainfall has caused the Vltava River and smaller watercourses in Prague and the surrounding areas to overflow, leading the city to issue an urgent warning to residents. People are strongly advised to avoid watercourses, as the flooded banks are dangerously slippery, and the water current is extremely strong.

    Volunteer fire brigades, along with other rescue units, remain on high alert. They are prepared to implement additional protective measures, including erecting barriers, if the Vltava’s water level continues to rise. The city’s flood plan ensures a rapid response if water levels reach critical points.

    Despite the warnings, many residents, including families with children, are still venturing near the water. This behavior poses a significant risk, especially given the combination of heavy rain and strong winds. Mayor Bohuslav Svoboda has urged citizens to avoid watercourses, especially with children: “The current is strong, and the banks are dangerously slippery. I want to extend my gratitude to all those involved in the protection efforts—from firefighters to volunteers. Their work is invaluable.”

    While no additional protective measures are currently planned, city officials remain on standby for immediate action if the situation deteriorates. Prague has also pledged support to other regions in the Czech Republic affected by the flooding. The mayor has already contacted authorities in these regions to offer assistance.

    Furthermore, the city is advising residents to limit outdoor activities and avoid parks and forests, as saturated ground may cause trees or branches to fall. Drivers should exercise caution, as aquaplaning and poor visibility increase the risk of accidents, particularly on Monday and Tuesday when weather conditions are expected to remain critical.


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