The Ministry of Regional Development’s subsidy programme to support the construction of rental housing has received applications totalling over 4 billion crowns after just three months. With a total of seven billion crowns available, this funding could enable the construction of over 1,300 flats. These flats are intended for vulnerable groups such as young families, senior citizens, and healthcare workers.
In the first three months since the programme was launched, applications worth over 4 billion crowns have already been submitted. A maximum of seven billion crowns is available overall. If all current applications are approved, more than 1,300 new flats could be built. These units are specifically aimed at young families, the elderly, healthcare workers, firefighters, and other essential occupational groups. Monthly rents are planned to be below standard market rates.
“Seven billion crowns for at least two years will suffice, but we will, of course, discuss the continuation of this programme during the 2026 budget planning,” said Petr Kulhánek (STAN), Minister for Regional Development, in an interview with ČT24.
According to the minister, municipalities are preparing projects worth tens of billions of crowns. The opposition is therefore urging additional funds to be allocated for housing construction.
“The review process is taking slightly longer than expected. However, we anticipate finalising the first set of applications eligible for funding by the end of January,” Kulhánek explained. The maximum amount available to any single applicant is 250 million crowns.
Since October 2024, municipalities, companies, and churches have been eligible to apply for funding. To date, most applications have come from municipalities, though a third of the applications have been submitted by private companies. Lease agreements may only be signed with individuals who neither own nor co-own any property.
Applicants’ household incomes are also subject to scrutiny. Eligibility criteria are met by nearly all individuals outside the top 20% income bracket, as well as the majority of older adults. The highest demand for new flats has been recorded in the Moravia-Silesia, South Moravia, and Zlín regions.