
    Long-Term Tethering of Dogs to Be Banned in the Czech Republic

    Lawmakers Approve Amendment to the Animal Protection Act

    The Czech Parliament passed an amendment to the Animal Protection Act this week, banning the long-term tethering of dogs. The aim of the amendment is to protect the quality of life of dogs and prevent unnecessary suffering. The change clarifies that chaining dogs for extended periods is considered animal cruelty.

    On Wednesday, members of Parliament voted in favour of the amendment, which will prohibit the keeping of dogs on chains or leashes for long periods in the future. The amendment specifies that long-term tethering of dogs will be considered animal cruelty. The draft will now go to the Senate for further discussion.

    Until now, dogs kept on chains for extended periods could only be released by veterinarians if they were in a severely neglected state. As reported by news channel ČT24, the new regulation aims to prevent such cases and further strengthen animal protection. In the future, owners who chain their dogs to prevent them from running away will no longer be allowed to do so on a permanent basis. Exceptions will only be permitted under very specific circumstances, such as during feeding.

    If the amendment is also approved by the Senate, long-term chaining of dogs will be banned – both outdoors and indoors – regardless of whether a chain, rope, or leash is used.

    However, there are some exceptions, which will be further specified in a regulation. For instance, it will be allowed to chain dogs under certain conditions, such as when cleaning the kennel or for care and feeding. Police and rescue dogs will also be exempt from this ban when they are in service or training.

    With this amendment, lawmakers are sending a clear message about animal protection and the responsibility of dog owners to prioritise the well-being of their animals. The changes are intended to help prevent unnecessary suffering in the long term and promote the welfare of animals.


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