
    Prague Focuses on Hydrogen: New Pilot Project to Decarbonise the Capital

    Taking the next step towards a greener future, the city of Prague has approved a new pilot project aimed at promoting hydrogen mobility and the production of green hydrogen. The initiative will see vehicles operated by Prague’s public transport company and the Prague Service Company (Pražské služby) running on hydrogen in the future.

    Prague’s Mayor, Bohuslav Svoboda, underscored the importance of this project for the city’s energy strategy: “The hydrogen mobility project aligns with the energy strategy we are pursuing for the capital. Our goal is to make Prague more energy independent by utilizing all available energy sources, from traditional to emerging green energy solutions, while carefully considering economic aspects.”

    Jana Komrsková, Prague’s Deputy Mayor responsible for the environment and climate plan, also highlighted the project’s significance for the city’s future: “Our Prague Climate Plan has identified hydrogen as a potential fuel for our city vehicle fleet. Only time will reveal which technology will prove most beneficial, but as a city, we must remain open to all possibilities.”

    The project, titled “Decarbonising the City of Prague through Hydrogen Mobility,” is funded by European grants. In March of this year, Prague applied for a €60,000 grant from the European Union’s LIFE programme as part of the EU project, European City Facility (EUCF). The pilot project not only includes a study on hydrogen production and usage but also concrete plans for constructing a renewable energy source, an electrolyser, and a hydrogen refuelling station.

    The project is set to commence on 1 September 2024, with completion expected by 31 December 2025. In collaboration with Prague Gasworks (Pražská plynárenská) and Pražské služby, the city will work on producing green hydrogen to power buses and commercial vehicles. Another key objective is to develop the necessary infrastructure for alternative fuels and to promote the adoption of zero-emission vehicles.

    This project marks a crucial step towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Prague and meeting European and Czech climate targets. It demonstrates the capital’s commitment to leveraging innovative technologies to sustainably improve its environmental footprint.


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