
    Prague Plans Floating Helipad to Enhance Emergency Care

    Prague is set to construct a floating helipad on the right bank of the Vltava River, near the Rašín Dam (Rašínovo nábřeží) and the Vyšehrad Tunnel. Estimated to cost approximately CZK 52 million, this innovative landing site is expected to become operational next year.

    Mayor Bohuslav Svoboda highlighted the project’s necessity and uniqueness, stating, “The floating helipad will be an indispensable facility. In life-threatening situations, patients will be able to reach medical facilities much faster. As a doctor, I understand that it’s often a matter of minutes, and this new landing pad can save those crucial minutes. I am delighted that the accessibility of acute medical care in our capital is being improved.”

    The helipad will be constructed on a concrete floating platform measuring 20 x 20 meters. It will accommodate helicopters with a maximum weight of 9 tonnes and will adhere to all relevant aviation regulations set by the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic and the Civil Aviation Authority.

    The General University Hospital in Prague will oversee the new landing pad. Hospital Director David Feltl explained, “Currently, we lack a helipad on our premises, and there is no suitable space to build one. Consequently, helicopters transporting patients land at Zítkovy sady on Palacký náměstí. However, this location often faces issues due to events and markets. The new landing site in Podskalí will greatly alleviate these problems.” Feltl also noted that transporting a patient from the new landing site to the hospital would take approximately three minutes.

    Petr Kolouch, Director of the Prague Rescue Service, also endorsed the project: “The new landing site on the banks of the Vltava River will significantly expedite the transport of patients to essential medical facilities. Compared to the previous temporary and congested site at Zítkovy Sady, this specially designated landing site will markedly enhance the speed of patient care.”


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